Mississippi Municipal Clerks and Collector's Association

Paula W. Tierce, President
P.O. Box 217
Ridgeland, MS 39158
(601) 856-7113


Committee Interest Forms and Information

April 22, 2024 3:37 PM - 3:37 PM

COMMITTEE CRITERIA The criteria for serving on all MMCCA committees are as follows: 1. Serve as a practicing municipal clerk or clerk of council of Mississippi. 2. Serve as a practicing deputy municipal clerk or deputy clerk of council of MS and provide a letter of support from the municipal clerk or clerk of council. 3. Hold a current, active paid membership in MMCCA. 4. Possess or be in active pursuit of a MS CMC or MS CDMC designation and provide proof of such pursuit. 5. Encourage attendance at all functions of MMCCA, MML and IIMC if possible. 6. Committee members shall be prepared to serve as working members. 7. Respond to requests by the Chair within a reasonable time period. 8. Absorb the cost of telephone calls and correspondence (within reason) during the term of service on the Committee. Additional criteria may be required for some committees. Most committee deliberations are accomplished by phone, fax or email, with the exception of the Certification Committee. All committee members are encouraged to attend the Fall Committee Workshop. Members will be limited to serving on two committees, unless the Board determines that special circumstances dictate the need for an exception. The chair of each committee shall serve a maximum of three (3) consecutive years. MMCCA Committee Descriptions BUDGET COMMITTEE: MEMBERSHIP: Committee will be chaired by the 1st Vice President. The Treasurer also will serve on the Committee. The incoming President shall appoint additional members as needed. DUTIES: 1. Contact Officers, Trustees, and Committee Chairs to ascertain and obtain their respective budget requests if necessary. 2. Prepare a "line item" budget (with the assistance of the Treasurer) prior to the Summer Meeting of the Association and submit in writing to the Executive Board. 3. Distribute proposed budget via E-mail from the 1st Vice President to the membership approximately thirty (30) days prior to the membership meeting in June/July. 4. Present budget for adoption at the membership meeting in June/July. CERTIFICATION COMMITTEE: MEMBERSHIP: Committee members are to be appointed by the incoming President. The Institute Director shall serve as an ex-officio member of the committee. DUTIES: 1. Work with the staff of the MSU Extension Service Center for Government and Community Development to identify candidates for graduation. 2. Contact potential candidates in the fall advising them of the requirements for graduation and April 1st deadline for applications. 3. After April 1st, meet to evaluate the applications and approve for certification. 4. Upon evaluation of each application, advise individual applicants of their respective statuses. 5. Order pins for graduation. 6. Help to present pins at graduation. 7. Promote IIMC Certification and assist with IIMC applications. 8. Help develop campaigns to promote state and international certification. EDUCATION COMMITTEE: MEMBERSHIP: Committee members are to be appointed by the incoming President. DUTIES: 1. Work with Staff of the MSU Extension Service Center for Government and Community Development (MSU-GCD) in reviewing the educational curriculum of Municipal Clerks. 2. Work with Staff of the MSU-GCD and the University of MS (UM) in planning the educational training classes to be offered at the MS Institute, MS Master Academy, Winter Workshop and the Clerks Annual Conference. 3. Work with the Staff of UM in securing locations and instructors for the Clerks Annual Spring Conference. 4. Contact membership to solicit input and ideas for use in planning educational programs. 5. Send a copy of finalized and approved education formats for all educational programs to the Social Media and Website Committees for publication on the MMCCA website and Facebook page for review by membership. HANDBOOK COMMITTEE: MEMBERSHIP: Committee members are to be appointed by the incoming President. DUTIES: 1. Shall work with the Institute Director in developing and maintaining a comprehensive Handbook for MS Municipal Clerks. The committee shall review the manual annually and update it as needed per each legislative session. 2. The Clerk Handbook will be placed on the MMCCA website and the MSU-GCD website for viewing. IIMC COMMITTEE: MEMBERSHIP: Committee to be appointed by the incoming President. Members must hold MMC status to serve on this committee. DUTIES: 1. Encourage all Association members to join IIMC and to achieve IIMC accreditation. 2. Promote IIMC to all Association members. 3. Encourage all Association members to attend conferences. 4. Administer the IIMC Scholarship. LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE: MEMBERSHIP: Committee to be appointed by the incoming President. DUTIES: 1. Work with the President and the 1st Vice President in keeping up-to-date on any new legislation that will affect members of the Municipal Clerk profession. 2. Work with the MML to monitor any new legislation that will affect members of the Municipal Clerk profession. 3. Work with the Website and Social Media Committees to provide updates to the MMCCA membership by posting information on the MMCCA website and Facebook page. 4. Work with MML to prepare new legislation that will benefit municipalities. NOMINATING COMMITTEE: MEMBERSHIP: The Nominating Committee shall be comprised of five (5) members and shall be chaired by the Immediate Past President. Two members shall be active Past Presidents. Three members shall be selected from the membership at large; these at-large members shall have served three years as a District Trustee or a Committee Chair and shall not be an active MMCCA Board Member or Officer or a current candidate for a position as an MMCCA Officer. An at- large member shall represent each of the three Supreme Court districts. The President, 1st Vice President and Institute Director shall serve as ex-officio non-voting members. DUTIES: 1. The Chair shall prepare a list of offices to be filled, outlining the qualifications for each, and submit to the committee members, along with a copy of the MMCCA membership list of eligible active members (obtained from the Treasurer). The office of Secretary shall be nominated by the 1st Vice President. 2. Each Committee member shall review the Association's by-laws to ascertain the qualifications and eligibility for the offices to be filled. 3. The Chair shall publish a list of vacant offices, along with the duties and qualifications for each, on the MMCCA website in April. 4. Applications to serve as an MMCCA officer are available on the website; candidates shall submit their applications to the Chair prior to May 31st of each year. 5. Each Trustee shall submit to the Nominating Committee a formal recommendation on behalf of the District from which a vacancy is to be filled. Current officers may make recommendations to fill vacancies on the Executive Committee. All recommendations shall be submitted to the Nominating Committee Chair by May 31st of each year. 6. The Chair shall provide copies of the recommendations and applications to Committee members. The Nominating Committee shall determine if candidates have met all qualifications. Selection shall be based on eligibility, experience, participation, demonstrated leadership, diversity in membership, geographic location/size and other criteria as set forth in the By-Laws. 7. The Chair shall schedule a meeting of the Nominating Committee. 8. At the scheduled meeting, the Committee shall discuss all recommended nominees and approve a slate of officers, selecting the best candidate for each position. The Chair shall contact the candidates for confirmation and subsequently advise the Committee on the outcome of those contacts; in the event additional candidates are needed, the Committee may suggest others to the Chair. The Nominating Committee shall submit proof of applicability for office of each candidate prior to the MMCCA summer business meeting. 9. The committee's slate of officers shall be submitted to the Executive Board and then to the general membership for the election of officers during the MMCCA summer business meeting. SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE: MEMBERSHIP: Committee members are to be appointed by the incoming President. There shall be two (2) types of scholarships available to the membership: the Larry Graves Certification Program Scholarship and the Graduating Senior Scholarship. 1. The Larry Graves Scholarship shall provide an opportunity for every Municipal Clerk in the State of Mississippi to obtain training and subsequent certification through the Clerks Certification Program. a. The Larry Graves Scholarship shall provide for registration costs and two (2) nights' lodging for the recipient to attend the Clerks Certification Program. b. Pending availability of funds, three (3) full scholarships shall be awarded to Clerks one per district (Southern, Central, Northern) annually (one scholarship given to each district for the session in spring and fall). c. The association membership may vote to add one additional scholarship, if funds are available; the vote must be held in accordance with requirements provided in the association bylaws. d. Three thousand dollars ($3,000) shall be budgeted annually for the Larry Graves Scholarship fund. Scholarships should be awarded accordingly. e. Proceeds received from vendors’ fees shall be deposited accordingly into the Larry Graves Scholarship Fund for budgetary purposes. 2. The Graduating Senior Scholarship shall provide one thousand dollars ($1,000) to a graduating senior who is the child or grandchild of a municipal clerk and tax collector and/or deputy clerk and tax collector who are active members of MMCCA. a. The scholarship will be awarded at the MML Conference and will be forwarded to the winner's school of choice. b. One thousand dollars ($1,000) per scholarship shall be budgeted annually for the Graduating Senior Scholarship Fund. One scholarship shall be awarded per year. c. Funding for the scholarship will be supplemented by proceeds derived from vendor fees. DUTIES: 1. Send requests for nominations to Trustees, Mayors, Association Officers and Membership. 2. Write an article to promote the scholarships and send to the Website and Social Media Committees for posting on the MMCCA website and Facebook page. 3. Receive nominations from all sources above and select annual recipient(s) using guidelines set by the Executive Board. 4. Notify the recipient's Mayor of the award; send written notice and picture to the hometown newspaper for publication. 5. Notify MMCCA Social Media and Website Committees of recipient's award for publication. 6. Use display at MML convention to promote scholarships when possible. 7. Maintain a list of the Larry Graves Scholarship Award winners for each Conference in March and December of every year. SILENT AUCTION COMMITTEE: MEMBERSHIP: Committee to be appointed by the incoming President. DUTIES: 1. Work with the MML staff to secure a location for the Silent Auction room at the MML Conference. 2. Coordinate all functions of the Silent Auction. 3. Solicit donations of gifts for the Silent Auction. 4. Promote the silent auction through the MMCCA website and Facebook page and through the MML website and Facebook page. 5. Silent Auction Committee oversees all 50/50 drawings. Regarding Budget this shall fall with the line item of Silent Auction expenses. HOSPITALITY & PROMOTIONS COMMITTEE: MEMBERSHIP: Committee members are to be appointed by the incoming President. DUTIES: 1. Chair to serve as Ex-Officio member of the Education Committee to coordinate special events in conjunction with all education programs. 2. Serve as MMCCA ambassadors: be present and visible at functions of MMCCA to welcome Clerks as they arrive. 3. Plan and implement ways of identifying and recognizing new or first-time Clerks at the MMCCA Business Meetings. 4. Plan special events at the Annual Conference, MML Conference, spring and Winter Conferences to help participants become better acquainted. 5. Promote MMCCA through visual displays at the following events: MML Annual Conference, MML Mid-Winter Conference, Clerk Educational Training events in spring, fall and Winter Sessions, and other meetings as necessary. 6. Design and outline display plan(s) for review and approval by the Executive Board. 7. Prepare approved designs; transport displays to and from meetings, setting up and dismantling as needed. MEMBERSHIP & MENTORING COMMITTEE: MEMBERSHIP: Committee members are to appointed by the incoming President. DUTIES: 1. Obtain a list of the new Clerks from the Association's Treasurer, Trustees and the Institute Director. 2. Contact all new Clerks to provide information about the Mentoring Program and determine if they are interested in being a Mentee; have prospective mentees complete an application. 3. Provide information about the Mentoring Program to Clerks (obtain list from Association's Treasurer) and determine who may be interested in being a Mentor; have prospective mentors complete an application. 4. Pair the Mentees and Mentors and provide them with contact information. 5. Contact the Mentee for introductions and to offer assistance, such as answering technical questions, describing procedures, providing information about educational opportunities, providing moral support and encouragement, sharing experiences, and introducing the new Clerk to other Association members at meetings and conferences to help establish a reliable network. 6. Provide a list of those participating in the Mentoring Program to the MMCCA Executive Committee. 7. Work with the Institute Director at each Educational Training Event and Conference to distribute application forms for new Mentors and Mentees to apply for participation in the Mentoring Program. 8. Provide regular updates to the MMCCA Board on progress of the Mentoring Program. Assist the Association's Executive Committee in conducting membership drives with special promotions to increase the membership of MMCCA and IIMC if necessary. 9. Work with the Trustees to promote membership in their Districts. 10. Encourage Trustees to identify and contact non-members in their Districts and invite them to join MMCCA. 11. Use the display at the Educational Training Events, the MML Conference, and other events to promote membership. 12. Work with the Website and Social Media Committees to promote membership. 13. Work with the Treasurer for updates on membership. 14. Collect names and contact information of MMCCA members who retire during the year. 15. Work closely with the Association to maintain a list of current retirees. 16. Honor retirees with a presentation during one of the MMCCA Business Meetings. Each individual committee member shall be required to participate in committee functions as requested by the Committee Chair and to attend the business meetings of the association in order to receive credit for any certification program. Reasonable cause for absences shall be determined by the Committee Chair. Each committee chair shall report attendance and participation of each member at committee meetings. This report shall be presented to the Executive Board for review

Upcoming Events

93rd Annual Summer Conference - June 24, 2024 1:58 PM - 1:58 PM

Visit mmlonline.com/conferences

Committee Interest Forms and Information - April 22, 2024 3:37 PM - 3:37 PM

https://www.mississippiclerks.com/committees/ Click Committee Information and then fill out the Form on the above page! Due by May 25, 2024.

Open Executive Office Positions - April 18, 2024 1:50 PM - 5:00 PM

Executive Office Open positions: 2nd Vice President Treasurer Northern – North East - Junior Central – East – Senior Central – West - Junior Southern – Central - Junior