Mississippi Municipal Clerks and Collector's Association

Paula W. Tierce, President
P.O. Box 217
Ridgeland, MS 39158
(601) 856-7113


Clerk Connect Launch

August 24, 2022

Have you ever seen a question on the City Clerk List Serve and thought you would like to see the answers? Or maybe you have had the same question that was asked in the past but cannot find the response in the mountain of emails? Clerk Connect will replace the traditional City Clerk List Serve. If you can not join the live Lunch and Learn please make sure to catch the recording to stay in the loop of how the new system will work.


Good afternoon,


If you were unable to join us today for the Launch of Clerk Connect you can review the recording here.


What is Clerk Connect?

This will be the new method to reach other Municipal Clerks when you are seeking information.

For Example, if your city needs an example job description, head to CLERK CONNECT, and 1. Ask other clerks to post their job description OR 2. Search past requests when another clerk may have asked for the same information.


How do I join?

You should have already received an invitation to join. If you did not, please let me know and I will send one over.  Remember once you join, make sure to adjust your notification settings. The video on the homepage will walk you through the steps.


I have already joined; how do I get back to see what is posted?

https://connect.extension.org/g/clerkconnect I highly suggest adding it to your bookmarks. Depending on your notification settings, you will get either a daily or weekly summary of the new post.


Jason Camp

Extension Specialist

Center for Government & Community Development 

Mississippi State University Extension Service 

Extending knowledge. Changing lives.


Schedule an appointment with me at https://calendly.com/jasoncamp


PO 9643 | Mississippi State, MS 39762

662-325-3141 (voice) | 662-325-8954 (fax) | Jason.Camp@msstate.edu| gcd.msucares.com

Center for Government & Community Development 

Mississippi State University Extension Service 

Extending knowledge. Changing lives.


Schedule an appointment with me at https://calendly.com/jasoncamp


PO 9643 | Mississippi State, MS 39762

662-325-3141 (voice) | 662-325-8954 (fax) | Jason.Camp@msstate.edu| gcd.msucares.com

Upcoming Events

93rd Annual Summer Conference - June 24, 2024 1:58 PM - 1:58 PM

Visit mmlonline.com/conferences

Committee Interest Forms and Information - April 22, 2024 3:37 PM - 3:37 PM

https://www.mississippiclerks.com/committees/ Click Committee Information and then fill out the Form on the above page! Due by May 25, 2024.

Open Executive Office Positions - April 18, 2024 1:50 PM - 5:00 PM

Executive Office Open positions: 2nd Vice President Treasurer Northern – North East - Junior Central – East – Senior Central – West - Junior Southern – Central - Junior